In 1935, Bruno Hauptmann was convicted of kidnapping Charles Lindbergh Jr.; Parker Brothers began selling Monopoly; Porky Pig debuted; Persia was renamed Iran; The Philadelphia Phillies and the Cincinnati Reds played the first nighttime baseball game; Alcoholics Anonymous was founded; President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act; Babe Ruth played in his last Major… Continue reading Eleven years before the first NBA game: A look back at 1935
Tag: James Cagney
Before Elvis and his gyrating hips ruined everything: A look back at 1955
In 1955: Jim Henson built the first version of Kermit the Frog; The first US advisors arrived in South Vietnam; Winston Churchill resigned as Prime Minister of the UK; The Salk polio vaccine received FDA approval; Ray Kroc opened his first McDonald’s in Illinois; Disneyland opened to the public; Gunsmoke, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and The… Continue reading Before Elvis and his gyrating hips ruined everything: A look back at 1955