Zero Charisma (2013) In his thirties, overweight, and living with his grandmother, Scott’s life revolves around the weekly Dungeons and Dragons game he hosts in his basement. When one of the regular players quits to save his marriage, Scott recruits Miles, a successful blogger, to replace him. Eventually, his jealousy of Miles’s success and popularity with… Continue reading On the road to charisma
Tag: Jude Law
A happy, close household
Closer (2004) Dan Woolf (Jude Law) meets Alice Ayres (Natalie Portman) when she’s hit by a car and they become a couple. A year later, he meets photographer, Anna Cameron (Julia Roberts) and pursues her, while continuing his relationship with Alice. After Anna tries to end their relationship, Dan tricks a man he meets in a cybersex… Continue reading A happy, close household
DNA testing the men of the Robinson clan
Gattaca (1997) In this version of the future, genetic testing determines everything. Vincent Anton Freeman (Ethan Hawke), wants to be an astronaut, but is denied this opportunity because his genetic code indicates weakness and a limited lifespan. In order to pursue his dream, he assumes the identity of Jerome Morrow (Jude Law) who has a perfect genetic… Continue reading DNA testing the men of the Robinson clan