Meet John Doughboy (1941) This humorous look at military life premiered just before US entry into World War II and provides insight into American attitudes before the war. Porky’s Hare Hunt (1938) This short features an early version of Bugs Bunny with Porky Pig playing the role now usually reserved for Elmer Fudd. Jeepers Creepers (1939) When police… Continue reading Porky’s still fat
Tag: Warner Brothers
The rabid fear of the coolest guy is bigger than grand
The Cooler (2003) To pay off an old gambling debt, Bernie Lootz (William H. Macey) works for Shelly Kaplow (Alec Baldwin), the old school head of the Shangri-La casino, as a “cooler,” a gambler so unlucky he causes everyone around him to lose. After he pays off his debt, Bernie plans to leave Vegas. To… Continue reading The rabid fear of the coolest guy is bigger than grand