Joyful and embarrasing



Swades: We, the People (2004)

NASA engineer Mohan Bhargava goes to India to visit his grandmother after his parent’s death where he discovers a passion for his heritage and falls in love with an old childhood friend.  Eventually, he must choose between his homeland and his work .

India film culture is almost like an echo of classic Hollywood cinema: simplistic fables of good and evil with very little profanity, hidden sexuality, lots of singing and dancing, not much  sophistication, and overwhelming enthusiasm.

A celebration of life, identity, and Indian culture, this film isn’t groundbreaking or eye-opening, but will leave you feeling a little better about the world.




Passion (2012)

Christine (Rachel McAdams) and Isabele (Noomi Rapace) are locked in a power struggle in this misguided erotic thriller from Brian DePalma. An embarrassingly thin plot about one-dimensional characters who become increasingly unlikable as the film progresses, places this film in contention with Snakes Eyes (1998) for the famed director’s worst.

If you enjoy watching laughably bad movies, you’re in luck.

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